Here we are on the way to a cabin 4 miles in in the Mt Rainier area. We had a great trip with some friends. It was Sydney's first time overnight in the backcountry. She did great. We stayed in a great cabin and enjoyed some great fresh tracks.
Corbin and Sydney in the sled. The both were snoring the whole way to the cabin.
Here is Nate and I along the trail. It was snowing, but very still out. Nate is getting a good workout pulling Syndey and Corbin (Nate and Mia Helwigs son). It was a beautiful day!
Here is Sydney getting ready for a ski in the winter elements. She looks pretty cool, huh?!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Sydney is now an international baby. She made her first trip to Canada.
We stopped in Bellingham and took a great walk by the water. It is so fun to see her enjoy nature. She is our baby, how could she not love being outside.