Wednesday, January 28, 2009

afternoon sun photo shoot

Stella is busy getting into things these days. She hasn't started to crawl yet but she can scoot around anywhere on her bum. She is loving to empty things and puts everything in her mouth.

Last week I think she cut 3, yes 3 new teeth. Poor girl. Her teeth are totally lopsided. she has 2 on top, the middle one and the one to the left of it and 3 teeth on the bottom, the center two and the one to the right.

She is such a joy to our family. Her and Sydney giggle and laugh at each other, she sends the sweetest smiles across the room and is just learning to wave those cute chubby fingers.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sydney is taking her first Ballet class. She loves it. She loves wearing her Tutu and flying around the room.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Great memories from our trip to Florida:

- Celebrating my Aunt Judy's life on earth and rejoicing for her new life with the Father
- Seeing Cousins after 10 + years
- Skim boarding
- Watching Nate surf
- Seeing my grandparents with their 7 great grandchildren
- watching the sun set
- seeing Sydney swim in the pool by herself with her arm floaties on
- Having afternoon margaritas
- Remembering great past family memories
- Being at the beach

Saturday, January 03, 2009


To say Sydney loves the Berenstain Bears would be an understatement. She LOVES them. She has almost every book about them. For Christmas she got 'The Berenstain Bears say their prayers". It talks about why we say prayers and show Brother and Sister Bear saying their prayers before bed. Brother and sister bear both kneel down beside their beds and pray with their eyes closed and their heads bowed. So of course Sydney needs to try out how Brother and Sister bear pray. So for the last few nights she has been kneeling by her bed praying. She bows her head and tightly closes her eyes. She tries so hard to sit still but she is fidgeting and squirming all while she is thanking God for the 'flowers and books and everything". But the one thing that has me covering my mouth so not to laugh is that she has ended each prayer lately with, "precious Jesus' and a huge smile.