Thursday, March 29, 2012

Building with Dad

Whenever Nate gets his saw out, the girls are sure to follow with the tool boxes. In their toolboxes is; a hammer, safety goggles, gloves, a sweet tool belt with suspenders, clamps, and a tape measure. It all comes out no matter what the project is.
We were doing a pallet re-use project. The girls were all about it.

 They helped us measure. And measure and measure again. It is very important to measure your foot when helping dad.

Stella was working so hard at pulling out the nails that she bent her trusty hammer. Time to get the girls the real thing!

This look just kills me. Priceless! 
It was a good afternoon. We finished our little project, with lots of little help. Picture to come!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Creek time

First creek exploration of the spring. Nice warm weather, lots of new areas to explore and great friends to spend time with.We had some pretty big rains the week before. So the creek was pretty big.  We are so lucky this great little creek is just across the street. There is hours of imagnative play. Lots of playing in the mud and finding cool rocks.
Every time there is a storm, the creek looks a bit different. We found our spring beach to play at. I wonder if it will be there at the beginning of summer? Can't wait for our summer creek walks!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Instagram monday- a day late

Tuesday date morning was at our new favorite bake shop. Companion bakery. They are oh so yummy. 

We brought our kites to the beach. It was the first time we flew them. It was so much fun. They were super easy flying kites. In fact so easy that when let go of they flew themselves right down the beach. I was chasing one kite while holding another. The string of one wrapped around my legs while I was diving for the string wheel of another. It was quite the sight to see. Both kites were saved!

 On our way to the Royal Ball at Sydney's school. Nate was out of town. He got mixed up on his travel dates and had to miss the dance. Thankfully the school calls it daughter/grown-up dance. So I was able to take both girls. We had a ball. (hee hee)

I just had my hair colored. YIEKS, looks way too blonde in this picture. I think it has mellowed out a bit.....I hope!
 Seriously, who does school pictures on Pajama day???? Sydney said they combed her hair and slicked it back. Thankfully we didn't pre-purchase any. Her frog jammies fit perfect with the background. So funny!

 Fort, house, coffee shop. Always open. 

Stella likes to take pictures with my phone.

It was a good week. We missed Nate while he was gone. So glad to have him home and so thankful him traveling is not a monthly part of our lives anymore. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Insta- gram Monday

We have had quite the two weeks over here. First, it started out with a fever for a couple of days with Syd. It was rainy out which made it a little easier to stay inside and rest. We got out a weaving loom and started a project.

 This was my leg and ankle swollen due to a BAD case of poison oak.
And this was my leg and ankle swollen due to a rolled ankle during a basketball game I had no business playing in. Thankfully both problems are healing and I can almost say I am back to normal. When it rains it pours.

 Not the most flattering picture of my dear husband, but he too was plagued by poison oak. We both were put on a steroid. It was a crazy drug and we both felt horrible on it. Nate had more trouble on it than I did. His lips and face swelled and he had fluid filled hives on his body. Scary. Thankfully all is fine now, a couple $100 down the road for Dr visits.
 This wonderful produce showed up on our doorstep. A dear veggie fairy blessed us with it.

 We accumulated 10 inches of rain from the storm over a couple days.
 We were all feeling really cooped up inside. I really don't remember what we did when we lived in Portland. How quickly we forget. I AM SO THANKFUL for the wonderful mostly sunny and dry place we get to live.
 When it does rain, I am so thankful for a wonderful facility at Mount Hermon that we get to play in to get our crazies out. This day the kids were sailing on 'pirate ships'.

Stella learned to blow bubbles this week.  I can see more gum in the hair in our future.
It was a good week or two. Glad it is over. We are excited to be free of itching, free of swelling and free of rain.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fancy Day

Sending Sydney off to kindergarten for the first time this past fall was a lot harder than I anticipated it was going to be. I was so unsure of sending her out into 'the world' without me around or without people I knew around. It was really one of those times, one I am sure I will have a lot more of, when I have to just trust in the girl God has created her to be. Trust that she will love others, forgive others, invite others, observe first, think first and know no matter what she is loved and accepted just as she is.
Over and over again I have kicked myself for doubting that she was going to be just fine in her class. She has the greatest teacher who treats his students with love, respect and individuality. We are so lucky that she has Greg for a teacher.
This past week Greg invited the class to an 'All things Fancy Day'. I love that this was his idea and that he was the one organizing it. Stella and I were able to be in the classroom as helpers all day.
We all were fancy!

Sydney really wanted Stella her and ME to wear our wedding dresses. Sydney begged and pleated for me to PLEASE PLEASE wear my wedding dress. I did not win the mom of the year award this round. They decided to wear fancy dress ups. Phew!
Sydney told me the Greg was even going to wear a 'Torpedo'.

 They had extra fancy crowns to wear the whole day, decorated with jewels, feathers and sparkles.

 At snack time they had extra fancy sparkly juice.  Ooo Laa Laa were they ever feeling fancy. I heard so many sweet things throughout the day. One girl said, " Fancy day is just so special my eyes are getting wet."  All the kids were on their best behavior and used french words and wonderful manners. I loved serving them drinks and receiving a, 'mercep bokoop'.
 This boy just kills me. His personality fits this look to a T!

 Stella loved being a kindergartner for the day. All the kids invited her in like she was part of the class.
 They had special letterhead paper with their name printed extra fancy at the top. They even went on a small parade to the principles office and sang the office staff a beautiful song.

I am so thankful for the school our girls get to go to. So thankful for the thought and preparation Greg puts in to helping shape our precious kids. And I am thankful that I got to be a part of the fanciest day of the year!