Here is Nate enjoying the first time mowing our own lawn. I am sure he won't be this excited to do it again.
We are in the middle of putting in a dishwasher and I think we now know what it means to be home owners. Our sink is 'unpluged' there are tools and saw dust all over the floor. We can see the sub floor. We have been to home depot and true value twice today and it is 7:00 pm. ( of course I am writting this post, so I am not much help). Hopefully a dishwasher will be working soon. Go nate!
More pictures to come......
If I don't have you e-mail address, please give it to me so we can invite you to our bday party/new house party. whoo whoo
It's worth it all for a dishwasher, huh? I left you a myspace message, but I don't think you got it. My email address is christikurtz@hotmail.com
Nate - where's the beer? You should really invest in a cup holder for your lawn mower (http://www.allegromedical.com/daily-living-aids-c519/the-pendulator-spill-proof-cup-holder-p539290.html?engine=froogle&utm_source=froogle&utm_medium=feed&utm_source=shopping.com&utm_medium=feed)
Next we need a picture of Allison vacuuming ;-)
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