I love this time of year. I love the air getting crisp, the leaves all over the ground and the holidays. One of my favorite traditions we have started as a family is getting our Christmas tree the weekend of thanksgiving.
This year we stuck with the tradition and it was just like every other year. Getting the tree home. Trying to find the Christmas decorations, not sure where the ligths are at or if they even work and how in the world did they get so tangled. Then comes possibly the most humorous event, and it is only humorous after the fact. The putting the tree in the Christmas stand, It usually looks like Nate lying on the ground with branches in his face grunting about me not holding the tree straight. Nate asking me if the tree is straight and me not being able to know cause I am stuck holding the tree. It is very hard to tell if the tree is straight if you are holding it. Then I tell him if the tree isn't straight it is because he cut the trunk crooked. Then I get the most annoying comment of ' Oh brother, calm down. This then sends me off the deep end.
This badgering goes on about 3 or 4 times until we decide that it is as straight as it is going to get. Now straight has looked different through out the years. We have done many different tactics to get the tree straight. One year we actually tied string to the tree trunk and closed the string in the window to keep the tree straight and to keep it from falling over. Yes this is really true.
After all is said and down Nate and I end up laughing at each other, once again, getting all worked up over the tree and then sit and stare at the tree and express how much fun the day was.
I am laughing my head off at this description! It's a relief to know that you two fight similarly to us. Of course I raise my voice more than any of you (Pfeffy, you or my husband), but it's still relatively the same.
And you'll have to have Nathan York tell you the story of when his father tied the tree to the wall with electrical wire one year. It's funny.
Glad you are well, miss you so much!
I love this post! A little insight into the Pfeffy house is so much fun.
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