Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunny weekend

Went for great hike this weeknd in the gorge. Sydney did an amazing job. She hiked 2.2 miles! He had about a 30 second melt down and wanted to be carried but once that was over she hiked at our pace and really didn't slow down. It was great. We saw a lot of white and purple trillium, new ferns coming up, stalked a robin on the trail, felt the mist of the waterfall, and soaked up the warm sun.

I even got to hold Sydney's hand for a bit on the hike.

Stella did great too. She hung out in the backpack and enjoyed the trail by trying to eat everything on it.

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Friday, April 17, 2009

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Here are some pictures of the God beautiful creation!

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I don't have to many pictures of Stella from the weekend. Mainly because she was on me most of the time and I was the one with the camera. Here are a couple cute shots.

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Sydney really liked hiding the Easter eggs, it was fun to find them too.

Sydney also loved the candy. She loves stories about Peter Rabbit and had no problem biting off his head.
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We had a great Easter at the Beach. Nates parents rented a beach house in Manzanita. We had ocean views, which was great because we had some pretty stormy weather most of the days.

Sydney had a great time coloring eggs and finding them. For some reason we decided to take her shirt off for coloring so not to stain it. Doesn't make for the best pictures. Oh well. Stella had fun too. Although she stuck everything in her mouth, she still got a good taste of Easter. (hee hee)

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

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Can't get enough of nature

Sydney loves being outside. She loves to get dirty. She could care less how dirty she gets. Sometimes I actually think that she doesn't really notice that she is dirty. She is our little 'pig pen'. I think that is why she is so comfortable doing ALL things outside.

Since she has been potty trained we have been out hiking, berry picking, or in the woods and nature has called her. From the get go she has had no problem going to the bathroom in the woods. She took to it with flying colors. Trying to find the perfect spot and being very proud of her self afterward.

When we get home from somewhere, Nate and I usually go into the house through the side door. Sydney loves to go to the front door and ring the door bell and be greeted and welcomed into the house. Yesterday she took a littl longer than usually to ring the door bell to be let in. Once I opend the door she was smiling big and announced,

I just went peepee in the yard, that is why it took me so long to come in.

You went peepee in the front yard???

Yea, I had to go and it was just easier to go in the front yard. I pulled down my pants and I went by the tulips.

-I looked out the front door and noticed the neighbor was in their driveway.

Did you say hi to Thomas while you were going?