Went for great hike this weeknd in the gorge. Sydney did an amazing job. She hiked 2.2 miles! He had about a 30 second melt down and wanted to be carried but once that was over she hiked at our pace and really didn't slow down. It was great. We saw a lot of white and purple trillium, new ferns coming up, stalked a robin on the trail, felt the mist of the waterfall, and soaked up the warm sun.

I even got to hold Sydney's hand for a bit on the hike.

Stella did great too. She hung out in the backpack and enjoyed the trail by trying to eat everything on it.
How fun!!! Your girls are adorable!!!
I love Stella's expression in that one of you and her. She looks a bit unsure of what's going on. haha. Stella's got the best expressions.
I miss hiking.... but walking on the beach is fun too! Love the pictures!
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