Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The Dentist

*Disclaimer: please only look for the white spot on my left front tooth.

I went to the dentist today to try to get rid of this white calcium spot on my tooth. It has grown quite large over the years and has been really buggin me. After I got home, this is how my conversation with Sydney went:

S- what did they do to your teeth at the dentist?
A- They put some paste on my tooth to help take away the white spot.
S- let me see.....it is still there. Why?
A- well I need to go back a couple times.
S- Maybe it is just a piece of rice?
A- I don't think so
S- Oh I know. I bet it is a small white onion
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The Yorks said...

Again with those witty comments. She really is hilarious. I can't wait to have my own conversation with her!

Kristen said...

That is so funny, the rice thing...I gave Claire a cup of milk the other day for the first time, and Lily was like..."Mommy, Claire doesn't drink your boobies anymore?" They say the best things don't they? Great to see all the fun things you guys are doing. We'll have to make a trip out there some day. Maybe when we get a winnebago and can take time off and travel the country.... who knows.