Monday, January 18, 2010


Life with kids makes for many many routines. Sometimes I am so thankful for the routines we have in place and other times the whole world comes down when you do one thing out of routine. Here are a couple of our routines that I think will be fun remembering when the girls are older or when they have their own kids.
-we must have two crackers while we read our night time stories.
- a kiss good night for bunny and her before leaving the room.
- powder on the buns. poh poh poh

-We sing 2 songs in bed: Zacheus and I've got the joy joy joy down in my heart.
- I will scratch, tickle and the rub her back
- We say good night and then she says, " eat yummy oatmeal with me in the morning, Leave the door open this much now and this much in the morning, and leave a not on my door telling me not to yell in the morning. I love you mom! Bigggg Huuuuugs!" Every night. The same thing.
- After bath she wraps the towel around her whole body and lays on the rug in her room like a frog on a log until she is 'warmed up'.

I am sure there are many more that I am forgetting, but these are the ones that I just went through to have a peaceful house tonight. I can't wait to add to the list as Stella gets older.

1 comment:

Christi said...

This is a great list! I am going to have to write down some of ours. All 3 of my boys do that same thing with their towel after baths!

We need to get together with you guys soon!