What a whirl wind the last couple of weeks have been. We packed up the house up on Sunday in Portland and unpacked the house on Wednesday in Mount Hermon. I can truly say that I am in no way utterly exhausted. God gave us lots of endurance, lots of very helpful hands, great kids, and sunshine.
The kids did a great job on the drive down. I am so thankful I caved in and bought the car dvd player. It truly made all the difference in the car. WE stopped in redding the first night and stayed at a hotel that had a pool. The girls loved it and the adults loved the hot tub.
The kids did a great job on the drive down. I am so thankful I caved in and bought the car dvd player. It truly made all the difference in the car. WE stopped in redding the first night and stayed at a hotel that had a pool. The girls loved it and the adults loved the hot tub.
We are pretty much settled into our house. There are still somethings we want to do to the outside to make it a little nicer, ( gravel, paving stones for our table, toy storage, etc), but overall it really is starting to feel like home.
Here is a picture of the outside. It looks a little hillbilly with the toys and table and other things that we need to find a better place for, but at least you can picture where we spend most of our time.

Sydney has been adjusting pretty well. She got plugged into school right away. She made a couple of friends that live on camp. One girl named Khenya said to me today, " Sydney is my bestest friend!'. I was so thankful for their instant connection.
When we were driving up to the camp and driving through the town of Felton, where we grocery shop, Sydney said, " Where is the town mom. I thought we were living in a town. All there is here is trees. There are no buildings. Where is town? Where will we go to get stuff?". I didn't realize how much of a city girl she was. She has been 'adjusting' to non city life well. We saw a banana slug on the way to school and chased a butterfly home.
I can't even express the thankfulness and gratitude I have in my heart for this amazing opportunity we have been give. I am so thankful to God for answering my prayers beyond my imagination. I feel so blessed. So blessed. Nate has been home for lunch. The girls chant at the door for him when he walks in. We have had lunch and dinner out side. There are endless placed for us to explore out our front door. I just truly feel like we are a family again. I love seeing Nate be a daily part of the girls life. I feel like this is us again. This is us, our family.
I can't stop tearing up after reading your latest blog entry. Your joy and thankfulness is so wonderful! Our God is good!! I am so happy for you and Nate and the girls!! "Yeh,that's what I'm talkin' bout!!!!" Love and Hugs, Mom
That's her name! Sweet little Khenya! Max adored her and I knew Sydney would too. So glad you guys are settled in and loving life.
christi- I was wondering if that was her. i forgot the name you told me, but she had red hair. I met Michelle, Emily and Bethany and they all said how much they love you.
I am so filled with joy reading this. Breathing in satisfaction and contentment for you guys. Glory to God. Truly. I love you pfeffys so much. :)
fun to read your post. We also have found so many little pleasures in a somewhat abnormal lifestyle (residence hall). I'm sure you've already discovered that the perks far outweigh the sacrifices!! Blessing on you all during this journey!
Glad you're getting all settled in! Can't believe how big your girls are getting!! Let's catch up soon! love you!
Hi- I jumped over from Christi's blog... hope you don't mind. It was great getting to know you a bit on Monday and I'm looking forward to hanging out in the future. Welcome back to SC! See you at school and hopefully the park on Monday.
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