We have started to do potty training with Stella. I really wish I remembered more of potty training Sydney. I just don't. It just seemed so easy. So I feel that I am at such a loss with Stella. She wants to go on the potty, she doesn't want to go on the potty. She pees in the corner, she pees in the potty.
Today she was in undies for the morning and was doing great. She went pee pee 2 times and was SOOO proud of her self. We were playing and she ran into the bathroom saying, "I have to go poo poo!!!!!!". Sydney and I ran in cheering. Stella wanted some 'privacy'. So we left and I told her to tell me when she was done so I could help her wipe. She came out of her bedroom ( one of the bathroom doors lead into their bedroom) and said, "momma, I need you to get a Kleenex to pick up my poo poo."
I was very confused. i heard her get on the potty. My mind in now spinning. I go into her room and find a little poo poo sitting halfway on halfway off a wet wipe on the floor.
So many things to say about that,
Stella you pooped on the floor!
Good job for not going in you undies!
It is on the carpet!
Thank you for putting a wet wipe down.
Ahh potty training...... maybe I need to wait till she can run pantless outside?
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