Sunday, May 16, 2010


We have been spending a lot of time outside. Actually most of our days. My mom bought the girls this cute little table. They love it. What great buds those two girls are. They are loving playing together outside, exploring everything and getting dirtier than I have ever seen them. I am so tired of the dirt. Really done with it. We all have been as dirty as you get when you go camping and you rely on wet wipes to get clean, except we have sinks and showers! The area where the girls play the most is pretty much all dirt. So their feet are black, there face is smudged with dirt and their fingernails scream for scrubbing. Hopefully the dirt quota for the day will shrink. We are in the works to get some gravel down. I have been and still will be sticking to my motto that ' a dirty kid always tells you they have been having fun!' . So even though we will be seeing less dirt, I still expect to see a dirt ring in the bath tub at the end of the day.
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